/Ugly/ + 'JavaScript'

A place for ugly, silly, or just-plain-crap JavaScript.

OMG! I can jQuery!

How many bad things can you count?

DayTimeStart = parseInt(DayTimeStart.substring(0,2),10);
NightTimeStart = parseInt(NightTimeStart.substring(0,2),10);
var now = new Date();
var nowHour = now.getHours();       
if(nowHour >= DayTimeStart && nowHour < NightTimeStart){
    $("div#main h1").css("background-image","url('" + HeaderDayImage + "')");
} else {
    $("div#main h1").css("background-image","url('" + HeaderNightImage + "')");
  • Global variables, which would probably be okay if they were constants.
  • Non constructor variables starting with capital letters (e.g. DayTimeStart).
  • Re-querying for jQuery('body'). Pointless, wasteful.
  • Application of CSS in JS. It depends on the case, but with this example, the JS should apply a class to the body and then the correct styles should be applied in the StyleSheet.
  • Usage of the value "591px". It’s uncommented and is not in any describtive constant. It’s just there, in the code. Some poor developer will come along and ask: Why 591? Why 591? … why…
Posted by James on 17 Sep 2011 | linky

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