/Ugly/ + 'JavaScript'

A place for ugly, silly, or just-plain-crap JavaScript.

OMG! I can jQuery!

How many bad things can you count?

DayTimeStart = parseInt(DayTimeStart.substring(0,2),10);
NightTimeStart = parseInt(NightTimeStart.substring(0,2),10);
var now = new Date();
var nowHour = now.getHours();       
if(nowHour >= DayTimeStart && nowHour < NightTimeStart){
    $("div#main h1").css("background-image","url('" + HeaderDayImage + "')");
} else {
    $("div#main h1").css("background-image","url('" + HeaderNightImage + "')");
  • Global variables, which would probably be okay if they were constants.
  • Non constructor variables starting with capital letters (e.g. DayTimeStart).
  • Re-querying for jQuery('body'). Pointless, wasteful.
  • Application of CSS in JS. It depends on the case, but with this example, the JS should apply a class to the body and then the correct styles should be applied in the StyleSheet.
  • Usage of the value "591px". It’s uncommented and is not in any describtive constant. It’s just there, in the code. Some poor developer will come along and ask: Why 591? Why 591? … why…
Posted by James on 17 Sep 2011 | linky

The javascript super genius

All credit for this code goes to Richard E. Walker. Inside our html code we see the following. Note it’s not in a javascript file, but rather the contents are embedded into the html. Genius!

// filename:windows.js
// javascript lib. for making pop up windows
// richard e. walker, suuuupppppppppppppppppperrrrrrrrrrrrrr geennnnnnnnnnnnnniuuuuussssssss

Later we find this comment, also around some embebbed js functions:

<!--  this is a javascript library...

 Richard E. Pluribus Unum Walker
 suuuuuuuuuupppperrrrr geeeeeeeeennniuuuuusssss


Now that we’ve established the author as a certifiable genius, what does he have to offer us?

1) Demonstrating the genius’ way of padding numbers

function twoPlaces( num )
    if ( num < 10 ) num = '0' + num;
    return num;

2) Demonstrating the proper use mixing explicit/implied open/close curly brackets. All geniuses will agree this is a best-practice.

function DebugObject(winOUT,debugOBJ) {
if (! debugOBJ)

if ( winOUT.document ) {
        var dOUT = winOUT.document;
} else if (winOUT.contentDocument) {
        var dOUT = winOUT.contentDocument;
} else {
        alert("cant find browser document");
} // end if

...more of the same mixture ...


3) Liberal use of tabs when formatting code, creating a zen-like editing experience (on 8-space-tab setups). Converted to spaces here to ensure proper viewing.

function SetStartTimesFunc( myDate )
        var wantedTime        =        document.getElementById( 'SetStartTimes' );
        CheckOnTimeInput( wantedTime );
        var inputs        =        document.getElementsByTagName( 'INPUT' );

        for ( var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++ )
                var thisInput        =        inputs[i];

                parts                =        thisInput.id.split(':');

                if ( parts[0] == 'AuctionStart' )
                        thisInput.value                =        myDate + ' ' + wantedTime.value;

All of this inside a web-app utilizing 5 iframes, cookies, and javascript in a single page to simulate ajax-like behavior.

Posted by Jon Beebe on 16 Sep 2011 | linky

Dangerous globals

This is a common, maybe the first, bad practice but some people are really not afraid about using a lot of globals. IKEA’s devs are those kind of guys. No literals, no namespace, no scope, it works today, why would it fail tomorrow?

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
var width = "Width:";
var height = "Height:";
var length = "Length:"
var cm = "cm";
var kg = "kg";

This code is from any product page, look at this page for instance, from line 983.

Posted by Julien on 15 Sep 2011 | linky

Browser Inference at its worst?

… or rather, feature-based browser detection, from which it is inferred that another feature/quality occurs (in this case, a time zone offset):

//remove time zone offset in IE  
if (window.ActiveXObject) {  
    obj[i].created_at = obj[i].created_at.replace(/[+]\d{4}/, "");  

Window haz property X? Browser must be E. Therefore, E must have unrelated feature Y.

Relevant feature detection would be better:

var canParseTimeOffsetWithoutDesignator = !isNaN(
    +new Date('Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 +0000 2000')

if (canParseTimeOffsetWithoutDesignator) {
    // ...

Something I never knew: IE appears to require a timezone designator along with the offset, so +0000 won’t do, but e.g. GMT+0000 will do fine.

Posted by James on 11 Sep 2011 | linky

If mania

Some people enjoy if statements and have an unhealthy obsession with redundant parentheses…

// this function checks which class and subject u have selected
// and set the value of book accordingly and the name of file that will be open after button clicked
if((document.test.tclass.value==1) && (document.test.tsubject.options[sind].text=="English"))
    document.test.tbook.options[0].text="..Select Book Title..";
else if((document.test.tclass.value==1) && (document.test.tsubject.options[sind].text=="Mathematics"))
    document.test.tbook.options[0].text="..Select Book Title..";
    document.test.tbook.options[2].text="Ganit Ka Jaadu";
else if((document.test.tclass.value==1) && (document.test.tsubject.options[sind].text=="Hindi"))
    document.test.tbook.options[0].text="..Select Book Title..";
else if((document.test.tclass.value==1) && (document.test.tsubject.options[sind].text=="Urdu"))
    document.test.tbook.options[0].text="..Select Book Title..";
    document.test.tbook.options[1].text="Ibtedai Urdu-I";
/// ... it continues!

Some lookup table, e.g. in JSON, would probably suffice for managing this type of functionality.

Posted by James on 10 Sep 2011 | linky

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